
Richard Hickox

506 слушателей за месяц
Fortune Plango Vulnera I Lament The Wounds That Fortune Deals
Omnia Sol Temperat All Things Are Tempered By The Sun
Floret Silva The Forest Flowers
Veris Leta Facies The Joyous Face Of Spring
Charmer, Gip Die Varwe Mir Monger, Give E Coloured Paint
In Taberna Quando Sumus When We Are In The Tavern
Olim Lacus Colueram Once I Swam In Lakes
(a) Reie, (b) Swaz Hie Gat Umbre, (c) Chume, Chum, Geselle In, (d) Swaz Hie Gat Umbre (a) Round Dance, (b) They Who Here Go Dancing Around, (c) Come, come, My Dear Companion, (d) Reprise
Ego Sum Abbas I Am The Abbot Of Cockaigne
Were Diu Welt Alle In If The Whole World Were But Mine
Aye Formosissima Hail To The Most Lovely
Si Puer Cum Puellula If A Boy With A Girl
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