
Anima Keltia

7 761 слушатель за месяц
Be Thou My Vision Medieval Irish Harp Tune
Cantiga 100 a Santa Maria Strela do dia Spanish Medieval Song Performed on Cello, Harp, Bodhram
Chanson de table Breton Andro Performed on Harp, Flute, Bodhram
Complainte de la Blanche Biche Breton Renaissance Tune Performed on Harp
Corranto Renaissance Dance Performed on Harp, Cello, Bodhram
Coventry Carol Celtic Lullaby Performed on harp and vocals
Douce dame jolie French Medieval Love Song Performed on Harp and Bodhram
Give Me Your Hand Irish Love Tune Performed on Harp
Greensleeves English Renaissance Tune Performed on Harp and Vocals
Il Lamento di Tristano: La Rotta Italian Medieval Tune Performed on Flute, Harp, Bodhram
L'épouse du croisé Medieval Song Performed on Harp
La Rosa Enflorece Sephardic Romance Tune Performed on Harp and Vocals
Scarborough Fair Celtic Tune Performed on Harp
Unter der linden Traditional Ballad Performed on Harp, Flute, Bodhram
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