
Sarah Joy

41 слушатель за месяц
Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer
White Christmas
The First Noel (String Quartet)
Lonely West
Time in a Bottle (Cello Cover)
Heathens (For Cello, Violin and Piano)
Send My Love (To Your New Lover) - Cello Version
Bach - Cello Suite No. 1: Sarabande
Beethoven - Fur Elise (on cello)
Rudolph la Renna dal Naso Rosso (Testo e Traduzione) | Canzoni di Natale per Bambini
The Ink Spots - I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire | Cello Cover: Sarah Joy
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer | Christmas Cello
Rewrite the Stars
Christmas Cello & Voice Duets
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